Dedicated to spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ


Palestinians Destroy Part of Joshua’s Altar

Israel National News Jul 12, 2024 Activists from the ‘Fighting for Every Dunam’ forum discover that Arabs once again destroyed several layers of stones at Joshua’s Altar on Mount Ebal. Note from Pastor Kevin Lea:  To understand the significance of this destruction and why the Arabs want to destroy this altar, please see our 1 June 2022 YouTube teaching by Aaron Lipkin…

What Is Hezbollah Planning For The Third Lebanon War? As Syria continues to disintegrate, the chances increase that a new conflict with Hezbollah will erupt.

By  Yaakov Katz APRIL 20, 2017 A Hezbollah member drives a 4-wheel motorbike mounted with a mock rocket in southern Lebanon in 2015. (photo credit:REUTERS) (see link below to see the photo) In Military Intelligence they call it “Fire-b y-Six,” a reference to the dramatic transformation of Hezbollah’s rocket and missile arsenal in the 10 years that have passed since the Second…

World Vision: Hamas Funding Only Latest Anti-Israel Mission

by Tom Olago August 10, 2016 How would you react to the possibility that your generous offerings and gifts to a Christian outreach organization did not alleviate the sufferings of the sick, hungry, poor, orphaned, widow or refugee? Instead, they were used to buy weapons that would shed the blood of innocent people, including women and children, in heinous terrorist attacks.…

Why Are Jews Not ‘Radicalized?’

by Judith Bergman August 16, 2016 According to the most popular and largely dominant theory of why Muslims become radicalized, the more they feel discriminated against, the more likely they are to engage in terrorism and join terrorist groups such as Islamic State. This theory claims to be research based. It is only fitting, therefore, to examine why it is not equally…

Christ at the Checkpoint 2016: Self-Inflicted “Victimization”

By Dan by Dan Calic February 24, 2016   The fourth Christ at the Checkpoint conference is slated to take place March 5 – 13 near Bethlehem. For the unfamiliar this biennial event which began in 2010 brings together several hundred Christians, including leaders, from around the world primarily to proclaim the Arabs are victims of Israeli “occupation” and “injustice.” The conference…