Understanding the Times Newsletter – Winter 2024 by Jan Markell The world has been in an uncontrollable rage since October 7, 2023. We are witnessing global Israel Derangement Syndrome and renewed anti-Semitism more brutal than the 1930s. And towards whom is the rage directed? Towards those who were invaded, slaughtered and kept as hostages. Imagine…
10 Predictions for 2024: Get Ready for Tough Times with War and Economic Collapse on the Horizon Expect civil unrest to break out in 2024 as globalist elites go for the final takedown of America as we know it in preparation for their satanic digital reset of the world order LeoHohmann.com By Leo Hohmann, December 29,…
All Israel News By Howard Bass, December 9, 2023 CCPO Note: “All Israel News is a news and commentary site based in Jerusalem that is focused on Israel and the broader Middle East, bringing together in one place all of the most important events and trends in the region from a wide range of existing news sites,…
In the clip below, Pastor Kevin suggests ways to lovingly respond when the people around us use God’s holy name as a swear word. As we use their own blasphemy to point people to Jesus during this Christmas season (and always), we pray they would repent and place their faith in Him because Salvation is…
“We never suspected anything so bizarre!” All Scientists Work for Dr. Walt Brown