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Creation Vs. Evolution (Page 7)

CRISPR Gene Editing Tool Causes Unintended Genetic Mutations

By Rich Haridy May 29, 2017 Note from Pastor Kevin Lea:  After reading these two articles, I hope the reader will see the foolishness of Darwinian evolution.  How can time and chance create the billions of very detailed genetic coding instructions necessary for the healthy growth and function of every living thing?  The evidence is beyond contradiction that in the beginning God…

NASA Has Stunning Video of A Giant Asteroid That’s Set To Whiz Past Earth

By Chris Ciaccia April 19, 2017 NASA has released radar images of the asteroid known as 2014 JO25, as the space rock prepares to fly by Earth on Wednesday night. Various telescopes and observatories around the planet, including the Arecibo Observatory, have begun sending radar towards the asteroid, while also recording its echoes. Additional observations of the asteroid are being made on April…

Two Thirds of Cancers Are Unavoidable Even If You Live a Healthy Life, Study Finds

By Telegraph Reporters March 23, 2017  Note from Pastor Kevin Lea:  This information begs the question, “If cancer causing mutations occur even under perfect environmental conditions, and if multiple copying errors are made and passed down every time DNA is copied in support of cell multiplication, then how in the world did we evolve from chemicals to man?”  Simple answer – We…

Scientist Wins Hard Cash over Soft Tissue from Dinosaurs

Montana Dig Results Raised Further Questions About Ancient Earth   By Bob Unruh November 29, 2016 Note from Pastor Kevin Lea:  Scientific evidence shows that dinosaurs lived thousands (not 60 million) of years ago.  Of course evolutionists continue to suppress the evidence and fire those who have the audacity to publish the evidence outside of the inner circle, but the truth is…